Sunday, June 29, 2008
tgif and old country buffet.
so, PRIDE PARADES = BEST PARADES. it was a blast. unlike a st. patrick's day parade full of drunks. (even though there were plently of drunks at this parade... they were just more enjoyable to be around.) i don't think i have ever seen so many fit guys in underwear before. i'm not complaining. i danced a lot, and lauren may not have her voice tomorrow.


Friday, June 27, 2008
met richard, sonny, and monica.
walked to taste of chicago.
met lauren.
walked. ate leftovers (because i didn't want to spend $8).
walked. all sat around at the apartment.
got hungry. ended up spending $8 somewhere else.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
stress eating.
i need a new wardrobe. or some new clothes.
due to lack of funds, i am unable to purchase any/can't donate any old clothes to goodwill. i would have to sell them.
(and i have a terrible time parting with clothes.)
i need a haircut?
i don't know. i just need a change.
while i complain, caitlin and i are having a jurassic park marathon. the gift shop in this movie is so amazing...
Friday, June 13, 2008
baby bottle pop
the happening.
I HATE M. NIGHT SHABADOOBAN. basically, i hate any suspenseful/semi-frightening movie. i also cried during it.
the incredible hulk.
i only saw this movie because richard and caitlin wanted to, and since we were sneaking in, it was $0. i guess i can't complain. and just an fyi for all who has yet to see the movie: wear ear plugs. those hulk fighting scenes are too loud... at least for my wittle 'ol ears.
my dream job (that i missed out on): choreographer for the 1982 version of annie. this is how it would have went down, "JUMP. KICK METAL PAIL. WAVE RAG. CARTWHEEL. ETC."
Thursday, June 12, 2008
zitty romance
i realized i really like wearing my dad's old button-up shirts.
probably because i miss him.

i decided to make a journal like i used to do during the summer...

yes, that IS rizzo.
Friday, June 6, 2008
get shelter.
i spent my day with chelsea, which started with sloppy joes and chips. followed by a drive to purchase a pineapple. we cut pineapple, created a pool... or puddle, (it was a pool mat on a trampoline with a hose...), and ate. after sitting outside for hours, we walked back and forth on the school bus like always. the "june jamboree" was tonight. we went with six dollars each. we both ran to the fair as the sky was getting darker and darker. spent three dollars on tickets to ride the "himalaya". afterwards, the lemon shake-up stand was CLOSED due to the storm. we got nervous and ran back to her car. i love days with my "bff".
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
and "all that jizz"
the past few times i've came home, i have gone to the anderson library. the anderson library is located in anderson, indiana, one of the trashiest towns in america. in the cd section, i occasionally see a man who is mentally disabled listening to the cd's with headphones. today, while looking at soundtracks, i heard prince & the revolution's "take me with u". i turned around, and sure enough, it was that same guy moving back and forth to prince. he was so happy...i think. either way, it made my day.
followed by looking at, which ruined my day.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
ashley jizzdale
pros & cons of a chicago (or most likely any city's) street festival.
-the 1900s
-five dollar lemon shake-up
-made me leave apartment
-five dollar lemon shake-up
-other overpriced fair food ($9 for an elephant ear?!?!)
-3/4 of people looking like the manequins at urban outfitters
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