Wednesday, April 30, 2008
my afternoon was spent with marianne. we did karaoke for two hours and played outside? my mother got so furious with the people who voted on american idol tonight. the ugly white guy with dreads was not voted into the bottom two and she said, "FUCK THAT. FUCKIN' TEENAGE... FUCKIN' TWATS". she is a woman of class. fellini is being annoying, but i know i'll miss his barking/whining when i leave... oh yeah, monday, i saw baby mama. (i am so happy that will arnett & amy poehler are having a baby. it will be so lovely.) yesterday, i saw forgetting sarah marshall. and tomorrow, i plan to see shine a light. yay.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
hey girl. you hot.
TODAY WAS MY LAST FULL DAY IN L.A. how depressing. while everyone is seeing prince at coachella, i am packing and cleaning. earlier today, i washed towels at the laundry mat and walked around one last time. i was in a toys/costume shop and all the wigs, glasses, facial hair, etc were in cases so nobody could try them on. i don't want to go have someone unlock the case just so i can try on a george washington wig. sigh. when i passed hooters, i noticed they sell a t-shirt that says "future hooters girl". i would have purchased it if i had a daughter...or son. a little boy and older guy were riding their bikes beside me. the older guy was talking to me and asked my name. then he said, "natalie... is there a natalie on the disney channel?"
-no, there is not a natalie on the disney channel because camp rock 2 starring the jonas brothers and i has not been made yet.
i played a crane game, and won this sad, overweight dog.
me. bored.
the boredom stopped when i started playing the arcade games.
i finally bought food here...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
"pee dangly thing"
nothing exciting has really happened lately... saturday the donnas were at amoeba djing? knowing that they would only play cock rock (and i nothing to do), i went. i ran into dane there. it was so crazy. i haven't seen him in a couple years. tonight, chelsea and i were discussing boyz via ichat. when caitlin got online i knew she had to join because that's a topic we are very familiar with. we discussed having a president of all the "cutie boys", and having a pantry to keep all our favorite men. some of my favorite parts of the discussion:
- "firstly, are you a good kisser? secondly, who would be president of the cutie boyz?"
- "it's like... you know you are becoming a woman when you realize johnny depp is hot."
- "he can be secretary of makin' babies."
- "the strokes will be the supreme court ... of vaginal intercourse."
- "Oh javier bardem!" -"i could get into that" -" mom and i have the same taste."
- chelsea is always the best: "what about steve buscemi in his prime?"
Saturday, April 19, 2008
living with busey
Friday, April 18, 2008
is this like a noxzema commercial or what?

clueless was discussed this morning before my class, and i thought to myself, "i wish my new scene was from clueless"... during class, i was given a scene from clueless. whoaaa. i'm so happy about it. i was given another scene to do (we have an odd number of people), but it's alright because i have clueless basically memorized. i believe the "circus liquor" sign i noticed the other day was foreshadowing this.
this strawberry "fruit bar" i'm eating is so delicious. i don't have any weekend plans yet. lame.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
caitlin <3's pussy

it's pretty hot out today. i forgot that feet get puffy in the heat. my feet look more like my dad's feet when that happens. except my little toenail does not grow straight up. gross... i went to the h&m in west hollywood, and spent too much money. i bought two shirts and a dress. i stopped at the grocery to buy some food (the one by LA ink, so i can stop to pick up groceries when i get my tiger-coming-out-of-my-pants tattoo). when i was putting carrots away, my necklace tried to kill me. now, my necklace is broken. at least it was one i rarely wear. i did dishes. AND I HATE DISHES. now i'm listening to brigitte bardot and eating strawberries. what a day.
ross: dress for less
last night, clark and i watched velvet goldmine. i can't/don't want to really explain it. you get to see christopher bale wearing lipstick (and trying to be cool), ewan mcgregor's penis, and possibly a spaceship? there was some other stuff too, i guess... some guy told me i was beautiful while i was walking today, and that someone should tell me that at least five times a day, everyday. this blog is mainly about movies i watch, food i eat, and creeps that compliment me. 

tonight, i saw everybody else. i had not seen them in over a year, so it was nice to see those boys again. and since they are so lovely, they brought me home. that saved me ten bucks. near the roxy, is a maui wowi! (i always get smoothies from the maui wowi booth during lollapalooza, and i often crave them.) i need to replace light bulbs in the kitchen.

(me, right now. tired.)

Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
tara reid

rob lowe wearing an earring and playing a tenor saxophone: my favorite part of st. elmo's fire. i also enjoyed demi moore's cocaine addiction and judd nelson's business attire.
after class today, i went to a jay leno taping to see the redwalls. (for free.) i'm not a huge fan of leno, but i liked his grey hair and some of his jokes. keanu reeves was pretty boring. chelsea handler was funny because she made some midget jokes. and if you know me, you know i appreciate a good little person joke. the redwalls are always cute, but today they were beautiful. i was happy i had the chance to go. a cab driver called me because he thought i left my bracelet in his car. it was nice that he made the call even though it was not mine... and slightly creepy.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
let's see... on friday i went to another birthday party. it was strange. some guy was trying to talk to me, and neither clark nor luke saved me. another guy told me he liked my jacket because it was the colors of his car. i bet his yellow and black car rulez. we didn't stay too long... we went to eat. i had some delicious french toast. on the way home, luke acted like he was going to hit the tranny hookers with his car. they were scared, and it was hilarious. yesterday, i didn't do a lot. i went out shopping by myself, and had pizza. it was really nice outside, therefore i did not want to stay indoors. all the walking made my blisters slightly worse. (i only have two this time, caitlin.) clark and i went to the art museum a few hours ago. well, first we went to bob's big boy aka FRISCH'S BIG BOY. i really enjoyed the kid's section of the art museum. i was jealous that they got to make crafts, and i wanted to steal their stuff. one of my favorite pieces was a cat that had stepped in ink leaving paw prints. those children had talent. oh, and some guy said "SO..." very loudly in my face. i am still not sure if he was talking to me, but it was frightening. i should probably start taking pictures when i'm out doing things.
i recently had a craving for horrible food, so i went to carl's jr aka HARDEE'S. the fries were so greasy; i regret it now. AND a homeless man is across the street reading (or pretending to read) the newspaper. if i was fast enough, i'd be running away with his cart right now.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
"boil dripping beef fart sniffing bubble butt."
Thursday, April 3, 2008

after yesterday's class, i tried to nap. since napping is for pussies (and i am not a pussy), it didn't work out. jonah stopped by. we discovered a gay & lesbian village around the block from where i live. it's gated and very strange... needless to say, i have found my new hangout. later, i went to another birthday party with clark. in the smoking area, we met devendra banhart. he hugged me when he left, and told me never to change my name. what a babe. this morning i scraped my knee during class while i was rolling on the ground. now, i have a bruise AND a scrape on ONE leg. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO REVEAL MY LEGS IN SHORTS NOW?
a few hours ago, i became very very very desperate and went to supercuts to get a trim. i always make jokes about great clips/supercuts, i don't trust them. luckily, they didn't ruin my luscious locks. i'd also like to mention that seventy degree weather + the thrills first album = happiness.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
last night i went to a birthday party with clark. i got to pet four dogs, and i ate brownies and ice cream with warm raspberries on top. i was an idiot, and locked myself out of my apartment. thanks to clark's onstar/magic car, i was able to call a locksmith. he wore a light around his neck, and made a lot of noise. i had to spend $100+ for that guy, so i will NOT leave my keys again. today, i had my first cold reading class. it wasn't too bad. on the way home, i rode the train with this man. i stared at him long enough in order to tell this blog with confidence that it was him... someone is getting headshots taken across the street.
this morning i found this on the ground:
it's definitely one of my best finds.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
in case of emergency trims, there are supercuts everywhere!
a crazy man on the train told me that i looked like i should be in movies...with matthew mcconaughey and ben affleck. i kind of take that as an insult. they both seem like douche bags and mr. mcconaughey never wears a shirt, but maybe i'm wrong. i also saw three people trying to sell rubix cubes. i'm surprised they weren't selling the pac-man fever album, and teddy ruxpins. although if they were selling those, i would definately purchase the pac-man album...and quite possibly a teddy ruxpin. what a train ride. it's nice out, but i have blisters. hmm what to do.
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